Clara Antunes, MA in Culture Studies

“A lesson on how to effectively understand life”

The Lisbon Consortium offers a very consistent program designed to trigger critical and analytical thought. The extremely competent and empathetic teaching staff can only be matched with the exciting body of students, whose diverse backgrounds and interests provide fruitful discussions and bonds. One key aspect that pervades this program is humanity. Towards one another, the objects argued on, the theories debated, and, ultimately, their implication for the construction of a more livable society for all. The MA in Culture Studies is a lesson on how to effectively understand life through Academia.

Federico Rudari, MA in Culture Studies

“Enriching and stimulating”

Coming from a BA in social sciences, I found at the Lisbon Consortium a great opportunity to deepen my knowledge on humanities and related research methodologies. Crossing on a theoretical level both philosophy and literary critics, I also had the chance to learn, explore and discuss more practical fields of research, such as curatorial practices and film studies. The international environment and the transdisciplinary structure of the programme made this learning experience enriching and stimulating.

Vitória Amaral, MA in Culture Studies

“A truly fruitful experience” 

Being part of the Master’s program in Culture Studies has been a truly fruitful experience. With an intensive yet versatile program, I had the chance to explore the areas that interest me most in the cultural field, acquiring skills that proved to be vital during my internship in the second year. I’ve consistently witnessed the commitment of all the staff and even my classmates, which together bring the true meaning of aretê to the world of arts and culture.

Eduardo Prado Cardoso, PhD in Culture Studies

“Stimulating space for deep and independent research”

The PhD in Culture Studies has proven to be a stimulating space for deep and independent research, which, in my case, is essentially interdisciplinary. If traditional seminars offer the very much needed contact with key theoretical concepts and references, other CECC-organized events (ranging from high-level international conferences to film club sessions) give room to the practice of academic, public communications. Engaging in such an international group such as the Lisbon Consortium brings us perspectives that challenge some pre-existent world views, and that, to me, is vital to foster any intellectual activity.

Ilios Willemars, PhD in Culture Studies

“Shaping academic connections”

As a Ph.D. candidate at the Lisbon Consortium I have appreciated the opportunities that were afforded me to organize and propose projects that did not exist already. Among the initiatives supported by the research school and my supervisor in particular were a workshop on contemporary politics, a graduate conference on the notion of ‘replacement’, and editing a graduate journal together with fellow candidates. Working at the consortium has meant shaping academic connections with colleagues in different places, most notably Copenhagen, Paris, and Amsterdam, thus furthering my academic connections beyond Lisbon alone.

Matthew Mason, PhD in Culture Studies

“A rich international environment of students and professors”

The Lisbon Consortium offers a brilliant platform in which to discuss, debate and research almost anything through the critical lens of culture and to do so alongside like-minded aspiring academics from all over the world. I recommend the Lisbon Consortium to anyone who wishes to conduct arts and/or culture-based research from within a rich international environment of students and professors conveniently located in one of the most unique cities in Europe.

Sofia Pinto, PhD in Culture Studies

“Many and outstanding opportunities”

I have had many and outstanding opportunities as a PhD candidate in Culture Studies at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. These include: 1) Financial support through an FCT scholarship; 2) International and research experience at the University of Copenhagen, one of the partners of the PhD Program; 3) Networking during the Summer School, an international event held in Lisbon every year; 4) Development of projects, such as a seminar that I organized myself that was aimed both to the scientific community and the general public. Besides being multidisciplinary and international, this program also promotes scientific excellency. 

Ana luis pinheiro

Ana Luis Pinheiro, MA in Culture Studies (alumna)

“A world capital of Culture Studies”

Out of the many things I could say about the Master’s program in Culture Studies, one word stands out: excellence. Not only of the university and program itself, but of its teaching staff. The variety of seminars, taught by teachers from different nationalities and backgrounds, provides students with a challenging and rewarding academic path. Personally, my experience was even more gratifying, as I was given the unique opportunity to study early sound film in cooperation with the Portuguese Film Museum thanks to the Lisbon Consortium. At the end of this journey, I couldn’t be more proud of having been part of an initiative that establishes my hometown of Lisbon as a world capital of Culture Studies.

Gabriela Altaf, MA in Culture Studies (alumna)

“New ways of thinking Culture”

It allowed me to access contents, institutions, authors and discussions about a wide range of themes in the cultural realm, which have helped consolidate my qualifications in this field.

Daniela Agostinho, PhD in Culture Studies (alumna)

“Uniquely vibrant and friendly environment”

Edgy and consistent, the Lisbon Consortium is the ultimate place for those interested in coupling critical thinking with interdisciplinary creativity. With its uniquely vibrant and friendly environment, the program has given me the skills to conduct original research in exciting new ways, and the opportunity to meet inspiring people from both academia and the art world. The Lisbon Consortium makes full use of the exciting cultural energy of the city and infuses it with sharp inquiry.

Elisa Antz, PhD in Culture Studies/PhD-net in Literary and Cultural Studies

“Academically challenging and culturally inspiring”

The Lisbon Consortium was an outstanding experience during my PhD, not only because I fell in love with Lisbon at first sight  – the Lisbon Consortium is academically challenging and culturally inspiring. The friendly and respectful atmosphere between prominent professors and young researchers is highly motivating. It also connects the University with Lisbon’s most reknown cultural institutions in a lively cooperation, namely during the annual Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture, the most memorable type of conference I’ve witnessed!

Robert Wilson

Director, Watermill Foundation

The Lisbon Consortium is a great institution for creative thinking that stands for excellence in cultural education. The work they are doing is important and vital to our time.

Barbie Zelizer

Raymond Williams Professor of Communication
Director of the Scholars Program in Culture and Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.

The Lisbon Consortium offers one of those rare opportunities to engage with topical issues across boundaries of a disciplinary and geographic nature. Every time I attend, I leave with a richer sense of why things matter.

Lawrence Grossberg

Morris Davis Distinguished Professor of Communication Studies and Cultural Studies. Director of the University Program in Cultural Studies, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

“The best possible research in socially responsible ways”

The Lisbon Consortium strikes me as just the sort of interdisciplinary, collaborative experiment that is vital for the future of cultural studies. The development of forms of cooperation among different — both academic and cultural — institutions opens up the possibilities of new practices of creative knowledge production and communication.

Its effort to produce the best possible research in socially responsible ways embodies fundamental commitments at the heart of cultural studies.